Wednesday, February 20, 2008

CAD Linking - Best Practices

Revit 2008
• If the CAD DWG has too many hatches, they will create issues in Revit. (fatal Error)
• If the objects are too far from origin, they will create issues in Revit. (fatal Error)
• If the objects are located too high from Z=0, they will create issues in Revit.
• If there are too many objects in the DWG, Revit does not like it.
• Lines that are with slightly off the axis in CAD are not good for Revit.
ADT or any other vertical AutoCAD objects wont be imported. You have to set the variable (Proxygraphics = 1) to import these objects.
• AutoCAD fonts look awful in Revit. We run a lisp that changes our CAD standard font style to one of that TTF font styles. This lisp file also sets the DIMFRAC variable to “2” (Dimension style – no stacking)
• DWGs from Civil > Don’t import it unless you need it. These seem to have lot of issues and fatal errors.
• Create a separate workset for DWGs. You can switch them on / off. You can keep the DWG workset switched off by default too.
• Consider linking CAD Backgrounds to a separate RVT file and then linking this RVT file to your RVT project.

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